Yesterday started early for Cade and me. He stayed over Friday night so we could get an early start for the swap meet. I woke him up at about 4:30 AM so we could get on the road by 4:45.

This was Cades first swap meet and in spite of being a bit sleepy he was pretty excited about it. We got to the speedway about 6 and got set up. I took a lot of cast iron to this trip (intake manifolds and bell housings) so Cade and I got a bit of a workout.

During the morning Cade made a couple of rounds thru the swap meet, he was impressed with all the different parts people were selling but didn’t find anything he wanted/needed for his Mustang.

I also did a couple of walk thru too, mostly hunting for carbs I could use for dual quads on the 57. Most people who had AFBs were as bad or worse than the current E Bay prices. I did find some that I figured were worth what they were asking though. The one in the back is a parts carb, basically the top and bottom with no screws and a lot of missing parts but I figured it was worth the $2 asking price (and I might actually have enough pieces from another parts carb to make 1 good one out of the 2).

The other 2 carbs in the front are a 9625 and a 9635. There both 625 CFM and although there are a couple of minor external differences, internally there identical. The 9635 looks to be a good builder I paid $60 for it …… more than I normally would but after looking at the asking prices for AFBs on E bay I bit the bullet. The 9625 was just a lucky deal. A guy set up across the road from me with mostly a bunch of non-car stuff but I wandered over anyway. He had just set the carb out on the table with a $5 price on it so I snatched it up.

sm3 by M Patterson, on Flickr

I’ll probably take the two AFBs apart this afternoon and verify whether they’re buildable. They are not my first choice, but if they are rebuildable I could use them for the Plymouth.

As far selling at the swap meet, I moved a few small items. By the time it all was all added up and gas, swap meet space, and the carbs I bought were subtracted I made a profit of about $3.

Being able to spend a few hours with my Grandson with no real distractions like a computer or a car to work on and just talk made it a really really good day.
