(I thought I posted this last night but it was late and I was tired so here goes again)

Today, my oldest son asked me to go with him and his son (my Grandson) to look at and maybe buy a '66 Mustang so we left my house a little after lunch. The location of the car was about a 3 hour drive but we made it fine there and back. The little 289 ran like a top and there was never any drips or drools where we stopped for gas and (a very late) lunch. David and I both drove it some and the only two things we noticed were a slight whine in the rear end at around 60/65 and occasionally you could hear what sounded like a lifter tapping but not always. The Grandson doesn't have his license yet so he had to be content as a passenger and even tho it didn't have AC and it is Dog Days Of Summer here in Texas - - - he wanted to ride in the Stang all the way back. I'm afraid that ?we? have created a monster. LOL I'm sure that there will be little things that need attending as they start using it but we all were so pleased with it's performance today.

Looking it over

Trying it out for ?size?

Headed home

First fill-up

Let's go eat - I'm starving

Great lunch ! Old German Towns are way cool

Nothing but Rice Dryers and Water Towers for scenery

Back on the road headed home

Home Sweet Home - - - a long day but a great day