Like a lot of us on here, I've got 45 years worth of accumulated cars, trucks, parts, tools, and equipment. My attorney (and go-fast buddy) brought it up last winter, "What happens to all this stuff when you tip over?" Used to think I was invincible, but the last 25 years have shown me otherwise.

Jackie hasn't known or cared what I owned and what's in the garage for 30 years, and my kid knows even less about what's there (or even what it is). So, in my will I've had it specified who I want to take care of getting rid of all my stuff when I die. It's the son of a guy I've known forever, and he's trustworthy and honest. He's also very knowledgeable on cars, parts, tools, and equipment. I specified some of my stuff I'd like him to have and I know he'll be most excellent and finding the right market and buyers for the rest of it.

Probably not one's favorite thing to consider, but IMO nevertheless very necessary to prevent a lot of hassles later on..........