When I was growing up we usually had a garden. We were a family of 5 and raising our own live stock and vegetables was just what we did. Well, now we don't do the live stock but my parents still do a small garden. My wife and I finally are at a place where we can have our own garden. So on Mother's Day I tilled up the spot and the next day her and her mother planted it. It isn't huge, but will be nice to get some of our own stuff out of the back yard again. When our kids get old enough I'll start with live stock again. Just some pigs, a cow or two, and chickens. By that time I hope to have our own place to do it as we just rent in town right now. Well any how, here is our little garden.

Last week


The weeds got terrible the first month and a half. My wife promised she'd weed it but the reality of having 3 kids under 2.5yrs old caught up with her. So we have got the weeds out, and I've been trying to water it in the mornings before I head to my shop, before I go to work. I'm no expert gardener, but I'm wondering will it hurt to over water it since we seem to be getting 0 rain, and it is super hot now. By over watering, I mean water it normally in the morning, and then at 11pm or so when I get home from work. I'm guessing doing this can't hurt since we have no rain. What are your thoughts, and let's see some of your gardens.