It is the early 1970's and I am working at Chevy Tonn engine plant I.I am assigned to the dyno rm.A prototype all aluminum 454 is brought over from shipping and receiving under heavy security with the full staff of engineers following along.It is at that time the only one ever made.Has all the spec sheets and blue prints with it.It's at the end of my shift and I'm told by one head engineer that tomorrow we'll be setting it up to run tests.It's on a rolling cart and for now they are just going to post a guard at the door and lock up the rm.The dyno rm is as you face the plant is in the far left front corner of the plant and has a fire door with stairs to a side driveway with a locked gate.

The next day I show up for work,and it it is gone!!!.Prints,spec sheets, and engine stolen.Side door lock and gate lock broken.Guards and engineers everywhere.Never found again.

As the weeks went by the rumor in the plant was four guys muscled it out the side door to the back of a pick-up and covered it in a tarp.They got onto I-190 which runs along the Niagara river in front of the plant and then noticed a security Suburban filled with guards getting on I-190 behind them.That they sped up and pulled over thinking the guards where on to them.They pulled over and in a rush to judgement dumped the engine into the river.The guards version was they saw a pick-up with it's four ways on and thought about pulling over to help out,but they where late to pick up their take out lunch and didn't think they had enough time.

Never did find out what really happened or find that one of a kind 454.But if the rumor is true,somewhere in the river in front of the plant is a true only one built 454.