Well it comes THAT time once again for me ........
That THING we all hate to have done, but when they tell you it's for your health you kinda start listening. I'm coming up on my 3rd surgery this year & hope it fixes me up so I can continue to work on my project. Had a total (R) knee replacement in March, my right shoulder rebuilt in Sept and come this Monday(Dec 5th) I go in to have my right clavicle (collar bone) ball/socket & part of the 1st rib removed at the sternum. It seems sometime in the past I got an infection in the joint & it ate it out
I don't care for the pain or the noise of the joint popping in & out of socket & the doc seem to think after all the tests(no cancer) he ran that it would be better if it was removed from it's "Host", ME!!!!!!!!
They say it'll take about 1.5-2hrs to do & I should be home a 2-3days later. IF there is any bright side to it all, at least the doctor said he could go around one of my favorite tattoo's & if he couldn't he would stitch it up nicely for me.

So if ya get bored come on by for a visit........joe