Okay, I had a local guy cut the glass for my 26 Tudor.
It didn't take him long to come over and get the deposit, but I had to hound him for 3 weeks to get the glass. There are 2 glass guys in town, I chose this guy because the first one, that actually has a shop and doesn't work out of his home, basically destroyed the original windshield frame for the T, putting the w/s glass in, took a lot to get it back to usable condition..This "new guy" was also considerably cheaper in his bid, than the established windshield frame killer guys.
SO, after a bunch of broken promises and delivery dates where I sat and waited for this character to not show up, I am finally ready to test fit the glass and felt channels, prior to painting the car.
It's too wide, I can get the glass in the door, but good luck getting the felt channels in, it's about 1/8" too wide.
SO, I called the guy, and he said he would be here last Wednesday (11/10/10) to pick the glass up and shave some off the side...of course he didn't show up, I waited for him and he never showed, never called, nothing. I had told him that I would leave it in a conspicuous place in the garage, so that he could come and get it, should I not be here.
I have been gone on a mini vacation since Thursday, and not only has he not come by, he never called the home phone or cell phone, to explain why, and ll I get is his answering machine...
I have found out through the small town grapevine, that this guy had a shop, a wife, and all the good stuff, until he discovered gambling at one of our local casinos, and after that, the wife and the shop went away...
my question is, do I try and keep hounding this guy to stand by his work, while my precious time off melts away, waiting for him to not show up, and not answer his phone, or do I give up, tell him I never want him on the property again, and take it and re-pay someone else (there's supposed to be a guy in OR, about 25 miles away, that's pretty good) to finish the job? I know the door windows are too wide, so I suspect that the quarter windows will be, as well, I'll try them out in the channels today.