This was in todays news. Obama has a new bail out plan. Seen similar ones before, hope this one goes the same way as the others.
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This was in todays news. Obama has a new bail out plan. Seen similar ones before, hope this one goes the same way as the others.
I have come up with a better idea I need to call Obama after he takes over g.m. he can merge it with fannie mae and freddy mac and run a special everybody that buys a new car he can through in a free house the way he likes to spend our money hell love this idea.....ted
Have ya noticed, that every time Nobama opens his mouth, that the next day the stock market takes another plunge.
He needs to keep his mouth SHUT!
Yeah, he's been in office for what, all of 60 days now? I would have thought that was WAY enough time to solve all the problems the last 8 years brought down on us.:rolleyes: What kind of President is this, anyway? If he doesn't solve the financial issues, the unemployment problem, banking mess, major companies folding one after another, the mid East problems, and everything else that is wrong right now in the next week, I am gonna be REAL MAD!!:rolleyes:
he should seeing how he and all buddies caused this mess
Hadn't thought of that, could be a lot worse I guess!!!!!
As to the other subject of the thread....The two party system has been leading us down this road for about 2 decades now. Not Obama or anyone else is going to make any kind of significant changes in 2 months. For anything substantial, give it two years. As for the stock market....Pulled my money out of there along with many other people about 3 years back.... Is it just me, or are the stock brokers just keeping the market down and waiting for another big buck opportunity??? My personal finances have very little to do with what's going on at the New York Stock Exchange....I'm no economist and don't claim to understand it all, but maybe the stock market isn't the prime indicator of economic trends as many would have us believe????
Talked with a lot of small business types the last few weeks, things aren't rosy, but trends do seem to be pointing upwards..... With so many being pounded by the stock market lately, perhaps investors are looking elsewhere for opportunity????
maybe obama should start saving for his own bailout after he is tried and convicted of treason!!!!!!!!!!!!! along with a crapload of the other buttclowns running the country into the dirt!!!!
Dave wrote:Well, Dave, since I am sure you are opposed to using a firearm to shoot the damn mutt, why not eliminate your problem by getting a nice slingshot and some ball bearings. My weapon of choice for pesky critters.:eek::D:Quote:
Well yeah, all that and the neighbor's dog is still pooping in my yard, too!!!!
paint ball gun(freeze the balls!!):whacked: