I do not want to come across as a bitter old fool or even someone who has an axe to grind, because I am not, but there is something I have to get off my chest that has been eating away at my spirit for awhile.

I am tire of the recent rash of car snobs. They range from the super rich snobs that have the cash to horde every particular style of car in the free world and have them all restored to better than mint condition and turn up their noses at any one who has any less that that level of perfection…all the way to the new breed of “brat rod” owners that build their fake weathered hot rods that are supposed to be some twisted version of a traditional rods, back during a time long before they were born (or even a glimmer in their father’s eye) and are so judgmental and insultive to anyone that wants to build anything less than a similarly dangerous and dark version of the past. (when did my generation of bobby sockers get tattoos and piercings?)

Don’t get me wrong I love all forms of the hobby.. the work of art concord cars, the creative hot rods, street racers, beaters and rat rods.. its just the attitude I have been sensing from the owners. There are some websites that I simple steer clear of due to the judgmental attitudes and foul comments that are unleashed on any one that thinks differently than the faceless crowd. This site is certainly just the opposite!

Why can’t all car lovers just revel in the fact that anything that is powered by a fire breathing combustion engine is pretty darn cool and if it reflects the owners’ personal style then it is worth respect.