I think that people are just getting more inconsiderate of others for some reason. I live out in the country about 25 miles southwest of Dallas and find that as my little town grows and more people move in from other locations, that I’m having more trouble with other folks on the road. I think its happening all over the country, people doing things to other folks that they wouldn’t dream of doing if they were face to face or sharing a sidewalk. Now I get my ration of road rage too especially the cell phone people, but sometimes you just have to wonder. What did I do?

Just yesterday I was going into work (I leave the house at 0530 by the way) I was driving my Silverado up the highway with my cruise set at 75 mph in a posted 65 zone and noted to myself how nice the drive was and how empty the road seemed to be for a work day. A few minutes later a car came flying up behind me and started flashing their high beams at me. Can you say Farvegnugen? I knew you could… Ok Ok I admit I was driving in the left lane, but the right lane was completely empty and with no other vehicles on the road, I promptly moved over into the right lane. I had seen them coming up behind me albeit too late, but didn’t move over because I didn’t know what they were going to do because they were moving so damned fast. So the car sped past on my left, got about 25 yards ahead of me and just sat there. What the???? I still had my cruise set and ended up passing this car on the right. A few miles up the road this person decided to start F%*cking with me. Passing and then slowing down, changing lanes when I did etc. It is still dark at 0530 so I couldn’t see whom I was dealing with, and didn’t feel like playing silly F-ing games at that time of the day anyway, so I sucked it in and let them have their fun with me. To make a long story short the other car got stuck in a line of traffic and I ended up going around them again on the right. Saying to myself there is a God; I got off at my exit and was sitting at the intersection stuck at a left turn signal light when this WOMAN who has the green light pulls up to my right starts honking the horn in her ricer, mouthing something, I could only assume she wanted a date with me, and flipping me the bird. I just looked at her smiled closed my eyes and blew her a kiss. That sent her into over the top. She rolled down her window and started screaming something. I just sat there with an oblivious look on my face, waited for my arrow and made my turn. She was still screaming when I made my turn. Just what the hell is wrong with people nowadays?