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Thread: Sunday Red: A 1932 Roadster Build Log Started in 2022

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  1. #1
    JimBeam's Avatar
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    Sunday Red: A 1932 Roadster Build Log Started in 2022


    I am starting this blog at the beginning of a journey to build a 1932 Ford Roadster. The car will be known as Sunday Red and I have included the starting year in my log title so that I remind myself that time is passing and I don't want this project to drag on forever.

    I have set goals/ideas for myself and this build:
    • While I want something that I will feel comfortable driving and will have some "pep", I am not really into performance. I live in Las Vegas so my main goal is just to have something fun to cruise The Strip. So, I'm going after "a lover, not a fighter"
    • I will finance the entire build myself and not pay any interest along the way. So many cards now offer 0% financing that I will buy everything in that manner. Between my Summit, Amazon and Home Depot cards, I should be able to do this for the entire project. If anything should happen to me, I have the back up funds to pay off anything I buy.
    • I don't want this to drag on forever. I work from home and live alone. So with some diligent work each evening I hope that I can make significant, consistent progress on this project
    So, I have already bought some of the first items that I am going to need. I am deciding to kick this off with an engine rebuild project. I wanted to get a crate engine but most of those guys are backed up like crazy right now and I wouldn't be able to get one for multiple months. Instead, I have bought a junkyard 302 from a 1994 Mustang GT and it should arrive here next week. I also have some tools on order that I'm going to need. I have a decent set right now, but needed to add a few more pieces and I might need to organize my tools a bit more. So I'll be preparing all of that, ready to receive the engine and then really get underway when it arrives.

    The shipper sent me some pictures of the engine. I would be happy to post them if only I knew how. Anyone know how pictures can be added to the posts? Do I need an image hosting service. Any free ones out there?
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  2. #2
    JimBeam's Avatar
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    I am trying to use imgur for pictures. If I've done this right, these are pics of the engine I have headed my way right now. It's a 302 out of a 1994 Mustang GT. My plan is to rebuild it with a standard rebuild kit, nothing fancy.

    falconvan and wrp like this.

  3. #3
    blwn31's Avatar
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    Will be fun to watch. Starting off with a good donor 302HO. Just remember, that's a serpentine belt motor, if you want to convert to V-pulleys, you will need to change the water pump as they turn in opposite directions.

    I keep telling myself, it's only money!

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    Almost forgot, plan on double the time the money to complete.

    I keep telling myself, it's only money!

  5. #5
    34_40's Avatar
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    I agree, off to a good start. Got a plan and just need to keep working that plan. Along those lines, what's the chassis and transmission combo?
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  6. #6
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    You don't mention a lot about previous experience with a build like this so I'll start by saying you need to be aware that there is a lot you don't know that you don't know. I don't say that to mock or deter you, just that each step, no matter how small it may seem, can be more important than imagined and can impact later decisions...........positively or negatively. I haven't lived there in almost 10 years, but there used to be a lot of experienced hot rodders in town. I would urge you get into that community, probably at the weekend gatherings. There used to be regular events in Summerlin and Henderson, maybe elsewhere now. Whatever, most hot rod guys will be willing to give you pointers, guidance, leads, and general help in selection of functioning alternatives. And there are a lot of alternatives for each decision point. It's fun to build a car, great excuse to buy tools too, but it can be a frustrating one too if you don't educate yourself before hand.
    Mike P, johnboy and rspears like this.
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    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Not wanting to dissuade you at all from your plans, but I'll give the same warning others have by repeating two "laws" of building a Hot Rod, 1. It's going to take longer then you thought, 2. It's going to cost more then you thought. Remember to build some flexibility into your plan, with the huge supply difficulties delays and backorders are almost impossible to avoid!
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  8. #8
    JimBeam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blwn31 View Post
    Will be fun to watch. Starting off with a good donor 302HO. Just remember, that's a serpentine belt motor, if you want to convert to V-pulleys, you will need to change the water pump as they turn in opposite directions.
    I have to admit that the pulley systems are where my knowledge of engine stops. So I'll be relying on a lot of you for that type of guidance once the build is at that level.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by blwn31 View Post
    Almost forgot, plan on double the time the money to complete.
    I'm OK with double the money but I definitely do not want this to drag on forever. I'm going to do my best to prevent that.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    I agree, off to a good start. Got a plan and just need to keep working that plan. Along those lines, what's the chassis and transmission combo?
    You're right, I can't believe I forgot to add that! I've very inspired by the rspears build and I had already picked out the P&J IRS chassis prior to reading his great build blog. So my choices will be very similar to his except that I will be using Ford/Ford with 302 and a T5 (most likely). Nothing fancy beyond that except that I will do 4-wheel disc. Again, building a lover, not a fighter.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter View Post
    You don't mention a lot about previous experience with a build like this so I'll start by saying you need to be aware that there is a lot you don't know that you don't know. I don't say that to mock or deter you, just that each step, no matter how small it may seem, can be more important than imagined and can impact later decisions...........positively or negatively. I haven't lived there in almost 10 years, but there used to be a lot of experienced hot rodders in town. I would urge you get into that community, probably at the weekend gatherings. There used to be regular events in Summerlin and Henderson, maybe elsewhere now. Whatever, most hot rod guys will be willing to give you pointers, guidance, leads, and general help in selection of functioning alternatives. And there are a lot of alternatives for each decision point. It's fun to build a car, great excuse to buy tools too, but it can be a frustrating one too if you don't educate yourself before hand.
    Oh, I said I was building a car, I didn't say I was expecting to have fun! In all seriousness, I know this will be hard at time. I'm doing the build in a one-car garage and I haven't built an engine since high school. I know there will be tough times ahead. But I owned a 2019 Mustang that I did some wrenching on and I loved it. So I have some tools, some recent experience and I have a sense for the parts market. I hear you, there are things that will bite me in the butt that I don't even know about, but I'm ready for it (I think!).

  12. #12
    JimBeam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post
    Not wanting to dissuade you at all from your plans, but I'll give the same warning others have by repeating two "laws" of building a Hot Rod, 1. It's going to take longer then you thought, 2. It's going to cost more then you thought. Remember to build some flexibility into your plan, with the huge supply difficulties delays and backorders are almost impossible to avoid!
    Yes, you're right about all the delays. I'm trying to line up the funds/orders for each of the phases as I go along. I have already put parts on order that I know won't be here for a while to come. Right now I'm just going to take it step-by-step and just focus on the engine rebuild. That will be a huge step for me and get me working with tools again.

  13. #13
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    If anyone wants to help with my first 302 question: What do I tell the machine shop for a standard rebuild?

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    The freight company just called and the engine will be delivered on Monday morning! That's perfect timing to allow me to get the rest of my tools in order before it gets here. I was sorting some sockets earlier and decided to spring for a new rolling tool chest and I'll pick it up at Home Depot on Saturday.
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  15. #15
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimBeam View Post
    I was sorting some sockets earlier and decided to spring for a new rolling tool chest and I'll pick it up at Home Depot on Saturday.
    And so it begins! Consider just keeping all your thoughts / questions / posts right here in this thread. Then it'll all be in one place. In a short time it'll be harder to find your other question -post. just 2 cents.
    glennsexton and falconvan like this.

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