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Thread: 41 Willys Gasser project

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  1. #76
    roadster32's Avatar
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    I put one fish in each cylinder Whip

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
    That is so cool looking Steve,absolutely wantable,yeah I made that word up. Now back to the first question, I didn't know B & D made fish tank pumps so there is one thing I have learnt today,but where do the fish swim in it ???
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  2. #77
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Your right about comprimises Dave, I didn't want the motor up high like a lot of gassers i've seen as the handling is gonna be bad enough without another 900 odd pounds up in the air .

    I've got the motor a fair way back as i just love that look.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post
    Sure is going to have a great stance, Steve!!!! The bars really came out looking great on the rear end. Engine position should be great to help get that CG down a bit, the gasser look is great but it does call for some comprimises, huh??
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  3. #78
    stovens's Avatar
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    Steve since when is Cadillac making fish pumps? Just kidding! I thought my Ford 460 was a behemoth, but that 500cc bad boy is huge! the width alone wouldn't fit at normal mounting height in my truck! Your going to need that extra steel to support it!
    My aunt (who is in her 80's) has an early 60's Mercedes Benz 4 door sedan she wants me to take and restore. She's had it since the 70's. It was made custom for a guy in California, on a checker cab frame according to her. Every time I read this thread I think about it!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  4. #79
    lamin8r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roadster32 View Post
    Mate i can't tell you the aggro over this and its from fellow hotrodders, they don't say why they don't like it but prefer to talk behind my back on a private forum. I guess they havn't got the spine to say it to my face
    Steve,its the same down here...There are a number of guys who have built fully fendered 33/34 coupes,and put them on late 80s/early 90s Mitsubishi L200 pickup frames..They fit well,with a small amount of modification,and the frames are CHEAP,solid and handle well..But do they get rubbished for doing it..my oath they do..Private forum??good stuff...you can say what ya want ,without fear of being taken to court,,,hmm,works well,ay..
    Steve,find out who it is and confront them,then ask them how THEIR little project is coming along..If you can build that Willys so it looks right,and does the job...who cares whats under it..
    Micah 6:8

    If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???


  5. #80
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    Thanks Steve for the answer,so it is an alcoholic ,whoops, Cadillac fish tank with the ability of holding 500 fishers. Thanks Steve Stovens for helping poor old cribbled lazy me out.
    Tomorrow fellas I will be absent for a day or six as I'm being fitted out with a titanium knee so you all behave yourselves and that includes you Uncle Bob.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  6. #81
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    Looks really good! The stace on these cars is everything, you nailed it.

  7. #82
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
    Tomorrow fellas I will be absent for a day or six as I'm being fitted out with a titanium knee so you all behave yourselves and that includes you Uncle Bob.
    Spent the last two days on the road getting down here to Vegas. And just so you know, behaving badly is still behaving.

    I hope your surgeon is very capable and your overhaul is successful. Do your PT, it will make the outcome even better...........you gotta work through the pain.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  8. #83
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Cheers Steve, I was just poking a bit of fun at Whip

    Quote Originally Posted by stovens View Post
    Steve since when is Cadillac making fish pumps? Just kidding! I thought my Ford 460 was a behemoth, but that 500cc bad boy is huge! the width alone wouldn't fit at normal mounting height in my truck! Your going to need that extra steel to support it!
    My aunt (who is in her 80's) has an early 60's Mercedes Benz 4 door sedan she wants me to take and restore. She's had it since the 70's. It was made custom for a guy in California, on a checker cab frame according to her. Every time I read this thread I think about it!
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  9. #84
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Yes mate it was on a private forum where they thought their comments wouldn't be seen but they didn't realise i have friends there too A friend informed me of what was being said so i embarrassed them all by posting their comments on our NSRA forum for all to see I think it opened a few eyes.

    I'm an easy going bloke really and i live and let live and just do my own thing but the comments were very personal and scathing, I wonder who the winner is here as i'm the one with full order books and have had an increase of enquiries since this happened

    I did confront one of them as i happened to have his address in my phone so drove the 40 miles to his house and rang the bell at 9pm, Now as you can imagine i was pretty angry and at 6ft and 16 stone i'm not exactly small but he opened the door and went white rapidly and blubbered it had all been taken wrongly, he was so scared i felt sorry for him and left but at least he now know's !!!

    The thing that really annoys me is that these people are nice to my face and would never say it to my face !!! Oh and the fact also none of them have ever built a car despite being in our hobby 30 years or more !!!

    Nothing funnier than folk i guess !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lamin8r View Post
    Steve,its the same down here...There are a number of guys who have built fully fendered 33/34 coupes,and put them on late 80s/early 90s Mitsubishi L200 pickup frames..They fit well,with a small amount of modification,and the frames are CHEAP,solid and handle well..But do they get rubbished for doing it..my oath they do..Private forum??good stuff...you can say what ya want ,without fear of being taken to court,,,hmm,works well,ay..
    Steve,find out who it is and confront them,then ask them how THEIR little project is coming along..If you can build that Willys so it looks right,and does the job...who cares whats under it..
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  10. #85
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Hope all goes well Whip, I'll be thinking of you mate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
    Thanks Steve for the answer,so it is an alcoholic ,whoops, Cadillac fish tank with the ability of holding 500 fishers. Thanks Steve Stovens for helping poor old cribbled lazy me out.
    Tomorrow fellas I will be absent for a day or six as I'm being fitted out with a titanium knee so you all behave yourselves and that includes you Uncle Bob.
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  11. #86
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Cheers Ken, I'm pretty pleased how it looks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Thurm View Post
    Looks really good! The stace on these cars is everything, you nailed it.
    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  12. #87
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Not much work yesterday as it was my birthday and Sue insisted on taking me for a meal and beer

    But i did sneak a bit of time in the morning, I picked up a pair of 9" shafts that had been drilled Chevy pattern (thanks Al) so popped them in and bolted on my rear wheels, It looks completely different now, The tyres i will be running are gonna be 30" tall which is 2" bigger than the radials on the wheels a the moment.

    I also taped a door into position and laid the hood in place to give a better idea of look.

    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

  13. #88
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Yep, yep, yep..............that's a gasser alright! That's the way a Willys should sit.

    Steve, what do you do, move back and forth between working on customer's cars, your 26, and this one? I find it tough enough to muster up the energy to work on one, but you are way over the top.


  14. #89
    stovens's Avatar
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    Whip - wishing you a successful surgery.
    Don - I agree, and have to add you and Ken to the list of cranking out stuff too!
    Steve - keep on posting I love the look already!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  15. #90
    roadster32's Avatar
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    Basically yes Don, the day is taken up with customers stuff and around 5pm i go onto the willys till about 9pm or the 26T whichever is needed.

    I do get asked how i keep my mojo going but i don't have a problem really as i enjoy it so much being creative is my carrot i guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    Yep, yep, yep..............that's a gasser alright! That's the way a Willys should sit.

    Steve, what do you do, move back and forth between working on customer's cars, your 26, and this one? I find it tough enough to muster up the energy to work on one, but you are way over the top.

    Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.

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