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Thread: tribute 1950 dodge truck build to my deceased son

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  1. #1
    skull's Avatar
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    Lightbulb tribute 1950 dodge truck build to my deceased son


    stopped work on the 33 dodge to start on this project.

    we started the 1950 dodge truck when he was 9 and the plan was to have it ready to go by the time he got his license, however that never came to pass as he drowned at the age of 15. he did leave me a grandchild.
    he left me a boy, that makes my loss all that more hard to take as my grandson will never know his dad.

    so after he died l put the truck in storage and could not stand to work on it. on 7/10, after 8 years, l have healed enough to finish this truck.

    the truck has a 1977 nova sub-frame, 12 bolt 3:36 1973 camaro posi,
    2OOR4 trans, 360 ftp and 360hp 1969 large journal steel crank
    327 C. I small block chevy with a 1965 4 core radatior to help cooling.

    hope to have her done soon. have firewall to finish, wiring and a bunch of odds and ends. had to C-notch the rear of the frame to get the drive shaft angle correct. it sat at 9% with the rearend on top the leaf springs so we moved it on top and put in 4% shims. that got the pinion angle at 2% down.

    going to use the old school slots, 10'' in back, 8'' in front.
    sorry to ramble on so long,

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  2. #2
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    I have a soft heart for those old Dodge Pilot Cabs neat old trucks.
    skull, I'm sorry to hear about your boy, but I glad to hear that you will continue to finish the truck because I know in my own heart he would be proud you did.
    Happy motoring when you get it done...joe
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  3. #3
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I could never come up with the words to tell you how sorry I am to hear about the loss of your Son. I can't even begin to imagine something like this. But I am glad to see you have healed enough to finish what you and he had planned, he would want it that way. I'm a firm believer that they really never leave us and that he will be right there with you all through the project and taking that first ride with you. I suspect you already feel his presence lots of times.

    Please keep updating us on how it is coming along, we care.


  4. #4
    Dsprint2000's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear your story, but glad that you can move on and complete the truck. What a great project for you and your grandson.....


  5. #5
    skull's Avatar
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    Talking visior


    wow, my sons name is James Robert and this nice man in Lebanon, MO. who goes by SugarRay8 made this visior for the truck and donated it as his way of helping me finish her. in your'e thoughts, please pass along a silent thanks to him. l believe what go's around come's around (KARMA) and this man has good karma

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    Last edited by skull; 08-26-2010 at 07:26 PM.
    lead, follow or get outta the way

  6. #6
    manky's Avatar
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    Thats really cool.

  7. #7
    pastor bubba's Avatar
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    I'm sorry about your loss as well, but am glad that the pain has healed enough for you to begin working on the truck again.

  8. #8
    Rickomatic's Avatar
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    I hope the truck will help with the healing. I know we can never forget those who have passed on, we can only learn to deal with it.

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  9. #9
    spikeo's Avatar
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    sorry to hear that, but then also glad to hear that you'll continue the truck build for him. im sure in years to come you will be glad he left you a grandson and you will be able to take him for the maiden voyage for the pickup.

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