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Thread: 302 EFI In 1929 Coupe

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  1. #1
    49panrider is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    302 EFI In 1929 Coupe


    Hello Everybody, I bought a 1986 302 rebuilt engine. I then bought a 1986 to 1993 A9L ECU and wiring harness. I then bought a upper and lower intake off of a 91 Mustang GT to put on this 86 stock built engine. well all went well when I was stuffing it in my 1937 Ford but I have one problem and that is my upper intake is hitting my master cylinder. I put wilwood pedals in and it is the type for 3 master cylinder, one for the front brakes, one for the back brakes and also one for the hydralic clutch(5 speed). My question to you'll is do they any trucks that have a upper and lower intake with the throttle body on the drivers side instead of being on the passager side like I have. I would like to use the 1986 to 1993 wiring harness and the A9L computer that I have already bought. Any help would be greatly appreciated and Photos would be great to if anyone has done this efi change. I am going to the parts yard tomorrow. Thank's Again

  2. #2
    34_40's Avatar
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    Welcome to the club Panrider, I guess my first question is why the 3 master cylinders? The "look"? or something else??

    I don't rememeber any other intake configurations that would be different off hand.. doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, I just do not remember any. How much is it hitting by? If you raised the intake with a spacer between the upper & lower sections would it help?

  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    How about an aftermarket upper, maybe like this Trickflow unit?


    There are a lot of older, compact after market uppers out there. Maybe your local CraigsList, or evilbay?
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  4. #4
    49panrider is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks 34_40, I just like the look of 3 master cylinders and I think it will work well also. I thought I had read somewhere in my past that one of fords efi intake coud be run turned in either direction but maybe I didn't. I have looked at afterarket intakes but I like the look of the factory. It is hitting about center ways on the intake and about 1/2" in. I would have to raise it up a good 2" to get it to clear. Well again I thank you for the reply and I will keep on trying something!

  5. #5
    49panrider is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks rspears, I do like the looks of this intake but I have never seen anything like it. I have not done much on these EFI systems before! It would make my life a whole lot better if I could find one for a decent price. I have not seen any like this on e-bay but maybe I have just miss them, I will keep looking in both places. Thanks again for the reply.

  6. #6
    34_40's Avatar
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    Just thinking here but... how about you put a notch in the intake? Like some folks do with their frames for the suspension to clear. If it's only a slight interference at the back, you'd probably alright...

  7. #7
    49panrider is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sorry For the delay, Been out town working. I thought about cutting in to the corner of the of the intake but well this hurt anything as far as flowing the air right. If I had a photo of how the intake was made on the inside I would know how far that I could cut into it!!

  8. #8
    34_40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 49panrider View Post
    Sorry For the delay, Been out town working. I thought about cutting in to the corner of the of the intake but well this hurt anything as far as flowing the air right. If I had a photo of how the intake was made on the inside I would know how far that I could cut into it!!
    There's a lot of "IFs"... If the interference is high enough or low enough, then I think it wouldn't hinder airflow. Also the depth into the intake would make a difference. Like I said, just thinking out loud.. not sure of viability, just a what if!

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