I am having a hard time finding info on my ford racing crate motor(M-6007-B50). It has the short Explorer timing cover and water pump. My problem is with the pulleys, harmonic balancer and flywheel. Zoops makes a pulley kit for it part #6123( Zoops). It looks like the harmonic balancer and crank pulley are a 1 piece unit so I would have to order the harmonic balancer part #E4TZ-6316A. OK....deeply breathing....because I am using a C-4 transmission I am having to order a new flex plate. Ford racing suggested M-6375-E302 which is a 157 tooth with a 10.5" bolt circle. It is 50oz unbalanced per inch(whatever that means....no really what does that mean). To me this sounds like a package that will work but my buddy who is a ford mechanic said if I don't match the flywheel to the rest of the assembly I would get a bad vibration. I am at a loss. Anyone have any experiance with this........PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!