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Thread: FE 390 Idle Problem

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  1. #1
    hawgsgarage is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    FE 390 Idle Problem


    Hi all new to this site, I have a 63 FE, 390 Rebuilt Stock, block, with a Holley 600, 4 bbl, edelbrock performer intake ,

    The problem is i have to set the idle at about 8k, if i dont the car stalls when put in to any gear,

    this is a 59 ford galaxie with a stock trans,

    so the car drives at 20 in idle ,,

    thanks in advance for any ideas Mark

    it idles fine at 2000 when in park no problems at all just when it needs to go into gear
    Last edited by hawgsgarage; 06-05-2010 at 09:28 AM. Reason: add on

  2. #2
    HOSS429's Avatar
    HOSS429 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    8 thousand rpm idle is a bit high .. you must have a killer vacuum leak or something .. perhaps try another carb .

  3. #3
    vara4's Avatar
    vara4 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Mark; do you hear any hissing, like a air leak?
    Take a sqwirt bottle of soapy water and spray it around the bottom of the carb and intake manifold. If the idle goes up while doing this you have a vacuum leak and you will need to fix it. You can use a water hose to if you like. It's just easier to see the soap for me then I know where the leak is.

  4. #4
    hawgsgarage is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    hi yes , I did all the leak check , it does not rev up , I am going to get a different carb a edelbrock, and vacum can, and block off all the exta acc, like the brake booster,

    its mind boggler, did you ever here of a new summit holley being bad out of the box this used to good stuff, dont know about the new parts lately

    thanks for the input i will post back next week

  5. #5
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    carbs do have a mind of their own .. i have a 750 vacuum on my stang that will crank up cold and go like an ape .. another 750 on my old V8 pinto was terribly cold natured even on a warm day .. and it was`nt the engines fault as i switched carbs several times

  6. #6
    larjones is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 62 ford thunderbird convertible

    rear main seal leakage ?


    I own a 1962 thunderbird convertible with a new short block installed. My wifes cousin came from Toledo Ohio and took the car there. About three weeks ago I traveled a couple state to get this block from a reputable man who sells alot of ford blocks and thunderbird acessories. I trust this man becuase i have dealt with him before. When the car was delivered to everything ran good. After the relative left I noticed a few drops of oil on the concrete. This engine came with everything a short block should have to it. The next day I looked under the engine and noticed there was oil right next to the oil pan giong down the transmission cooler lines and resting on the bell housing. I looked at the driver side valve cover nothing. I felt around the intake manifold nothing. This oil was on the outer left side of the pan. Going upward where I cant see. Now some threads on this website indicated that there is gally plugs behind the engine. How often would it be coming from those plugs.The only this until I take it to a professional mecnanic this Monday is possibly questioning the seal and type of seal used. Some people say it usually leaks around the outside corners of the manifold This leaking is on the drivers side rear.Apprciate any input. Thanks Larry

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