Hello everyone,

I will start out by introducing myself. My name is Justin. I am an 18 year old employed college freshman. I own a 1965 Ford Mustang with a 200ci I6. I also have a 1953 Buick Super with a V8 (this is in my grandmother's garage, waiting for the garage to be built at my house). I have moderate mechanical ability so far. On my Mustang, I have installed a port divider, a performance header, electronic ignition, and I have adapted a 2bbl carburetor on the engine. I know what I am doing to a point...when I first got my Mustang two years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. Somehow I managed to install a new starter motor (with the help of my father), and then on my own, replace the battery, solenoid, battery cables, and the solenoid to starter cable. After that, I had the Mustang running well.

Today, I checked out a 1965 Ford Galaxie 500XL convertible. It originally came with a 352 cubic inch engine. A 390ci replacement was put in. The owner of the car also has a 429ci engine (with transmission) that he is willing to sell for $150.00. The engine is complete; it even has air conditioning parts. I do not know what year and what model car it came out of though. I am going back tomorrow so I intend to find out.

My questions:

How well will a 429ci fit in the engine compartment of a '65 Galaxie?

How will the suspension handle the weight? This car will not be on the road for some time, so drivability is not important right now.

What changes must I make when putting a 429 in place of a (originally) 352?

Thanks so much,
