Hi, I'm new to this site and fairly new to Chevys. I have just rebuilt a 350 Chevy SB with Edelbrock Performer intake and 600 Cfm Carb, all other parts are stock (normal dist, no HEI). The vehicle is for road use at good fuel economy, as I live in Germany, where fuel is very expensive. My Questions:

What advance should I set the ignition at to get started?
What idle screw settings are a good bet for getting started?
Do i need the ported or the full time vac-advance?

At the moment, I can get the enmgine to fire, but not to start, it will run a few turns, then stop again. So naturally I vcan't set the idle speed or anything correctly, edelbrock only helps you out if your engine is actually running (even if porely), but to get the first revs out of a rebuilt engine the page doesn't help very much.I've tried all sorts of fuel settings, but without real knowledge about the carb (bought it used with no documentation, haha, stupid of me) I don't want to yank out my bearings by setting the ignition too soon or have any more carb-fires, which I found out were due to a wrongly set valve, which I have now corrected. BTW, all other engine parts are fairly new and undamaged and not worn.

Thanks a lot!