As a first timer on soon to be taking a stab at degreeing a cam, I'd like to test it out on a 355 hobby engine my Dad and I are working on the side, before I degree a race performance 383 when I get block back from machinest. Problem is we don't have the specs on the cam we are using and I feel I won't know if I'm degreeing a cam right without some specs to bump my readings/measurements up against. My Dad says it is a comp cam. The number stamped on the snout is "275 DEH." I googled that number and found some specs on Comp's website. Thing that puzzles me is it said the cam was for 396-454. This cam came out of a 327 running stock engine. Can someone shed some light on what specs I'd be looking at on this cam so I can compare against my degree wheel/dial indicator readings? Thanks