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Thread: Holly 4150 on a Vortec 350 Question

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  1. #1
    JCswm's Avatar
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    Holly 4150 on a Vortec 350 Question


    Holly 4150
    Picked it up for $20.00 today at a Garage sale
    The owner told me it was Re-Jetted for his Big block chevelle
    What jets would be a good starting point for my car??? I've heard (but can't find) of databases that can get you close to the proper jet sizes.
    99 vortec 350 w/ GM Hotcam & headers
    Any help would be nice... I'd rather not waste hours Re-Jetting when I know someone has the Info I need

  2. #2
    nitrowarrior's Avatar
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    4150's had different cfm sizes. Got a list number? On the airhorn.
    What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?

  3. #3
    JCswm's Avatar
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    4777-5 650 Cfm

  4. #4
    JCswm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    Are you sure that is a 4777-5 ?

    650 cfm


    front=67, rear=73
    power valve=6.5
    That is correct for a 4777-5 carb..... But is that the correct carb part # for a Vortec 350????

  5. #5
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Denny is probably right, but I think 67's in the primary might be a bit too stout. I ran a 650 DP on a 400sbc with a fairly healthy cam and ended up with 65's in the primary to keep it from running too rich. What size of pump shooter does it have in the primary and what size accelerator pump housing in the primary?
    Ken Thomas
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  6. #6
    JCswm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    650 cfm

    front=67, rear=73 or 76
    power valve=6.5

    R4777-5=part number
    4150=carb model
    37-485=renew kit
    37-933=trick kit
    6-504=needle and seat
    122-67=primary main jet
    122-73=secondary main jet
    34R8539-5AMP=primary metering block
    34R6497-3AMP=secondary metering block
    125-65=power valve
    0.028=pump nozzle size primary

    That's what came in the 4777-5 carb
    This carb has been Jetted for a BB chevy so I'm sure it's all wrong!
    I've not tore it down yet so I don't know what's in it now but I'm sure it's all wrong ( being set up for a BB) and I'm just looking for a good starting place For my vortec 350

  7. #7
    JCswm's Avatar
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    Talk about lucky!!!
    I Called Holley and asked them what carb would be for my set-up and..... It's the correct carb # for my car/Engine

    So I'm going to get the re-new kit from Holley and have a nice little INDOOR project for these HOT summer nights putting the stock Jets in my carb & going through it.

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