I decided to try my hand at carb rebuilding. Disassemble, clean, put back together in reverse order with replacement parts.... It is a carter afb. I am (or was) pretty sure I did everything right. I obviously didn't. The car starts right up and sounds great...................for a few seconds. Then it starts surging, bogging, idling up and down, back up and down again until it eventually dies. I first thought that maybe it was getting too much gas, but feathering the pedal does nothing to help it. So, maybe it isn't getting enough gas. Floats set wrong? I followed the specs in the rebuild kit. I think the root of my problem is all my fault. (duh...) there is a little doodad in the carb that I suspect, but I have no idea what it does, or what it is called. It is a little brass piece with a ball (like a large BB) held captive in it by a tiny brass tab. This tab broke off so I took a chance and installed this without the little tab. Bad idea, but next time I will know better, hell, I knew better the first time...... What have I done?