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Thread: Edel Carb Help

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  1. #1
    trenchdog73's Avatar
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    Edel Carb Help


    Edelbrock Thunder Series AVS 650 cfm carb. Well i thought it might be running a bit rich and dumping too much fuel off the line causing a crappy launch, so i went to adjust it. I turned the fuel/air screw all the way in and the car was still running with little to no change. If i recal right from my manual the car should die then I should turn out a bout 1.5 times until I get a stong idle for a lean mix. Is this correct? the driverside screw did not cause the car to turn off but did have more of an effect on the idle the the passenger side screw, could this be a sign of a problem with the carb or something else? The carb is 2 months old and if its bad I think i have a few calls to make, So anyhelp would be appreciated,
    Last edited by trenchdog73; 04-26-2005 at 04:39 PM.

  2. #2
    WRENCHD is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    reset your idle to about 600 rpms before you ajust the carb, then start at about 1 1\2 turns out on both screws (maybe 2 out) the turn in slowly until the engine just starts to lose rpm do both sides,back out to obtain smooth idle recheck idle( approx 600 rpm's)
    repete above a couple of times or more to get even and smooth idle. reset idle to spec's and done. vac or tach will help.

  3. #3
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I believe that after 4 years he's probably got it fixed.
    You might want to look at the date on these posts.
    Ken Thomas
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