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Thread: Can anyone identify this 3-barrel throttle body? Possibly marine

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  1. #1
    Hotrod46's Avatar
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    Can anyone identify this 3-barrel throttle body? Possibly marine


    I got this throttle body in a box of parts that reportedly came off of a marine BB Chevy. It does not have a hole for a central air cleaner stud. It has two holes near the edge and may have had a flame arrestor type of cleaner.

    It is billet and appears to be very well made and has almost no wear. The linkage is progressive and very heavy duty. The IAC looks to be a GM part but I haven't pulled it off yet. It is missing the TPS.

    It was in a box with a Delphi type marine ECU and harness. I would like to use this TB on a project with a Holley ECU. It looks entirely usable with a few minor mods and I really don't need to know the manufacturer, but it would be nice to have some info on it.

    Several internet image searches have come up empty for me and I thought someone on here might recognize it.

    There are no markings on it that I have found, so far.

    Last edited by Hotrod46; 01-27-2024 at 06:45 AM.

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  2. #2
    Hotrod46's Avatar
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    Just a follow up for anyone interested. I finally got a break on a Google image search.

    It was either sold and/or made by Accel before they were acquired by Holley. I found it from another smaller company also. It went through some redesigns but was always 3-barrel. I think mine is an early model since the linkage looks to have gotten cheaper built over the years.

    It is supposed to use GM IAC's (I can confirm that) and TPS sensor. It is rated at 1350 cfms so it's pretty big. I thought so due to the size of the secondary butterfly.

    Thought I would post this since I find it frustrating when a poster never comes back with a solution.

    Thanks to those that took time to look.
    Last edited by Hotrod46; 01-30-2024 at 07:01 PM.
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    Thanks for coming back with the details you found! I sent the pics and a description to a young gun EFI Tuner that I know, asking if he'd ever seen it before since he does cars, hot sand buggies & boats (the big cigarette's running a pair of big V8's), but didn't get a reply. It's a unique piece!
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    That appears to be a quality piece, must have been before Accel's quality went down the toilet.
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    I had been poking around Mercury Marine searching the parts lists. But never found anything like that. And without a serial number it was not really productive time but it’s winter in New England so what’s a poor boy to do? Lol
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  6. #6
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    Double post. Having phone issues.
    Last edited by Hotrod46; 01-31-2024 at 08:21 AM.
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  7. #7
    Hotrod46's Avatar
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    It does appear to be very well made and very heavy duty.

    The linkage looks to be about 3X (at least) heavier than needed. With it being on a boat, I doubt it got exercised a lot. Not nearly as much as a car on the street. I have the correct IAC part number figured out. When I get a suitable TPS on it all I will need to do is give it a good cleaning. Oh and remove the stuck spark arrestor stud and drill and tap it for regular automotive air cleaner.

    As far as the big cfms go, I can always limit total opening if it turns out to be an issue.
    Last edited by Hotrod46; 01-31-2024 at 08:09 AM.
    NTFDAY, 34_40 and rspears like this.

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