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Thread: any 2.3L ford people here?

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  1. #1
    lotsatoys's Avatar
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    Arrow any 2.3L ford people here?


    I'm trying to figure out what engine is in the A I bought last summer. I was told the donor car was a MustangII but I more suspect an earlier Pinto. all the front and rear suspension, as well as stearing column, engine/trans are apparantly from the same car, so knowing what it was would help me out a lot as I re--vamp the car to my own likeing.... anyway. the engine has a cast number on the right side which is 70HM6015BA and below that is what looks like 2-0 (could be 2.0?). it's an OHC engine, and has a point type dist, as well as the unusual air filter box as shown in the pic. it says ford on it, but also has "made in england" stamped in small print. eventually I'd like to find a late T-bird turbo coupe to yard the intercooled turbo motor out of, for this car, but when you find one they get snapped up very quickly. must be a 2.3L turbo cult out there somewhere .

    thanks for any and all help in the de-code,
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    Last edited by lotsatoys; 11-21-2009 at 10:36 AM.

  2. #2
    shifty347 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    looks to be a 2.0 by the distributor positioning. if you do find a donor and look to get rid of the motor you have please message me.

  3. #3
    turbo74pinto is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yep, thats the older 2.0 engine. and yes there is a turbo2.3 cult...im a member . your best bet is to find a whole donor car...cheaper and easier.


  4. #4
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    And just to add, a Mustang II IS a Pinto so commonality of components is to be expected (similar to first gen Mustangs were basically Falcons).
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  5. #5
    lotsatoys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter View Post
    And just to add, a Mustang II IS a Pinto so commonality of components is to be expected (similar to first gen Mustangs were basically Falcons).
    yes. except that I've found that the Mustang II was based on the 74 and later Pinto suspension, and mine, unfortunatly, was apparantly an early (70-73) donor car which is slightly different. I still can't find what year the donor for my car was, but I do have it narrowed down that much anyway.
    turbo74Pinto. I do want a compleat running car as a turbo donor. you always end up with a better (uncut) harness that way, as well as getting all the little do-dads that ends up being needing for a swap. of course it's a plus to be able to drive the car first so you know what you bought as well


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