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Thread: Engine Break-in...smokes a little

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  1. #1
    Dans72 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Engine Break-in...smokes a little


    Hi everyone,

    I have a question about engine break in. I put a new rebuilt 350 in my 72 camaro. After I hooked up everything I fired it up and got the engine up quickly to about 2000 RPMs. After about a minute or so I noticed some small amounts of smoke coming out of the valve cover hole. Well I became worried and shut the motor off.

    Is this normal? Does this happen because the rings have not set properly? Or might I have a serious problem. Im sooo worried.

    This is my first ever engine break-in so if you can think of anything else that I need to know I would be most appreciative.



  2. #2
    vara4's Avatar
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    Ya the rings have to seat, so you may get a little blow by.
    But I would check the valves, with the valve covers off turn
    the motor over and make sure all the valves are moving
    freely. The rings probably won't seat till you've driving it
    a couple hundred miles.

    ~ Vegas ~

  3. #3
    Thunderbucket's Avatar
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    For the most part when you start a motor up for the first time and go for breaking it in,,you will get smoke coming from various parts of the motor,,,dont forget,,many parts have not seen running heat yet,,,i would say if your nervouse about it,,then pull one valve cover off and start it up,,see if your getting proper oiling to your top end,,,other than that,,,a good oil guage will help you see whats going on,,now and in the future.
    Break in as per instruction's,,,and don't worry so much for now.
    "I don't know everything and i like it that way"

  4. #4
    Swifster's Avatar
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    The only thing I would add is that you should use dino oil for the break in period. Synthetics are great, and I use in just about every car I have, but they car work too well, and prevent the rings from seating. Put 500 to 1000 miles on it and change to synthetic then (if you're going to use it).

    1964 Studebaker Commander
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  5. #5
    Dans72 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks everyone for all the replies, it was of much help. I guess I was just suffering from first time engine break in paranoia. Thanks again.

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