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Thread: coming up short

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  1. #1
    Chris Jackson's Avatar
    Chris Jackson is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    coming up short


    new to the site greetings all,
    so i have run into an issue with my gen 1 sbc. 1963/327.
    long story short getting very little to no oil pressure on a fresh rebuild. i discovered my oil pump shaft and distributor shaft are not seating, they are missing by approx 1/4" the cup on the end of the distributor gear just touches the pump shaft causing it to turn at low RPMs.
    i have heard there were two different lengths of oil pump shafts that will work on these early models is this correct?

    ***it has been changed from coil to hei*** any suggestions?

  2. #2
    34_40's Avatar
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    Welcome to the site.. I don't have direct knowledge of the 2 lengths but I'm sure a short search through Jegs or Summit Racing websites would provide you the info you seek.

    Was this a rebuild where you did the assembly? If not, why not return it to the shop who did?

  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    Welcome, Chris. I'm no expert either, but it appears that there are two lengths of the intermediate shaft, 5.75" and 6.125". From the little bit I've searched there are different combinations of block & pump that dictate which you need. Apparently lots of guys with SBC's elect to run a BBC pump? From your description it's sounding like you need the longer intermediate shaft, but to add to the confusion some of the aftermarket guys, like Morosso say in their specs that their shaft differs from stock by 1/8".... Again, different combinations of block & pump. Wish I could be more help.
    34_40 likes this.
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