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  • 4 Post By J. Robinson

Thread: Weight of sbc heads?

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  1. #1
    84Monte is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Jul 2017

    Weight of sbc heads?


    Hey everyone. I have another question, I want to take the heads off my 267 sbc and clean them. They have rust around the ports and I was gonna try to remove the rust, any advice on removing the rust? I was wondering, how much would one of these heads weigh? Am I going to be able to pick it up? I don't want to take the bolts out and drop it due to not being able to lift it. Also, I tried to loosen one and could not get it to come loose. Any advice on getting them loose? Thanks in advance
    Last edited by 84Monte; 07-19-2017 at 10:54 PM.

  2. #2
    glennsexton's Avatar
    glennsexton is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Cast iron SBC heads 45 pounds fully assembled.
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  3. #3
    J. Robinson's Avatar
    J. Robinson is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Titusville, FL
    Car Year, Make, Model: 31 Ford Coupe; 32 Ford 3-window

    There are 17 bolts holding a small block Chevy head. If you take out all the bolts and the head won't come loose, it's likely the gasket sealer has it glued in place. If you can get a rigid putty knife or some other thin blade between the head and block at one of the upper corners, you should be able to break it loose. Be sure you have ahold of it or it may slide off once you break it loose from its locator pins. If it lands on your toes you won't be walking normally for a while...
    NTFDAY, cffisher, rspears and 1 others like this.

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