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Thread: 454 Head Intake Mismatch

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  1. #1
    Fite13 is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    454 Head Intake Mismatch


    I have a 454 from a 72 Corvette. I have never rebuilt an engine. Forgive my stupidity, but why does this intake not match up with the heads? See the pics.

    The heads were given to me but I don't know the brand.

    Intake 1.jpgIntake 2.jpg

  2. #2
    NTFDAY's Avatar
    NTFDAY is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'm no expert, but from your pictures it appears you're trying to put a small block manifold on a big block. Others with more expertise than I should be able to reply with a better answer.
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  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    Also no BBC expert but do you have Rectangular Port heads with a Oval Port intake? A Rectangular Port Intake can fit on either type head and seal, but an Oval Port Intake cannot - it leaves part of the ports exposed. Google the gaskets and compare the top of port relative to the bolt holes.
    NTFDAY and glennsexton like this.
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  4. #4
    glennsexton's Avatar
    glennsexton is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Welcome to CHR - no dumb questions here. We're all still learning at some level.

    Looks like you have a 7561 manifold (number cast on the right rear of the manifold) - for oval ports. You need a 7562 for rectangular ports.
    Dave Severson, NTFDAY and rdobbs like this.
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