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Thread: Long water pump and BBC, am i gonna have fitment issues?

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  1. #1
    NTaRICR is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Long water pump and BBC, am i gonna have fitment issues?


    When i ordered my 572 i didnt think about long water/short water pump and i just got my Entropy radiator/fan kit in the mail today. It looks massive. Is it gonna fit? Anybody else have one of these radiators and a big block/LWP?

    BTW these radiators are true to their word. They are SEXY!

    1969 Camaro, 572ci

  2. #2
    rspears's Avatar
    rspears is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'd call Entropy and see if they can tell you if the SWP is required. Other than that I would think it's a matter of a trial fit. It is indeed a nice looking radiator package.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  3. #3
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    That is perhaps the worst engineered fan package that I have ever seen. 50% of the radiator is blocked off. The shroud should look more like a turkey pan, allowing air flow through the entire radiator.

  4. #4
    rspears's Avatar
    rspears is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Tech's right, and I didn't notice the way they mounted that fan adapter plate. Having it flat against the core totally blocks off the core area not open at the two circles, almost guaranteeing cooling problems if you're pushing the heat limits.To be an effective shroud that plate needs to set back, off of the core by at least 3/4" and an inch wouldn't hurt - a big sheet cake pan with two circles cut out so that the fans pull through the entire core area.

    I'd send that radiator back to Entropy, unless you want to re-work it and void any warranty you may have received. Having the "shroud" like that makes me wonder what ELSE they don't understand about the design needs.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

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