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Thread: Interested in your input for the right carb for the right application

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  1. #1
    OneTonDually is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Interested in your input for the right carb for the right application


    Guys, I apologize right up front if I am in the wrong spot for this, and I will take the question to the right spot, if you will inform me.

    I have an 83 Oneton 3+3 dually, 454, automatic, quadrajet sitting on top. The carb is messed up, sat for a long time and the truck starts on gas but its time to put a bigger 4bbl on there. Honestly, I would like to try and keep the intake thats on there IF possible, if not, sure, what do you suggest there, too?

    We all know this truck is never going to be a MPG winner or even candidate, so lets move right to the proper topic: which carb would you suggest and put on it, if it were your rig.

    This truck will pull a 2 or 3 axle trailer for the entirety of its life, with weights ranging from 2k to 5k. It is going to be a workhorse and it doesn't need top end, it needs low, get up to speed, and hold it there gumption. Thats where this question turns to you for your input and expertise.

    I don't want a fast truck, I want a truck that will be stable, dependable and pull good going up the freeway ramp and from a dead stop in the city, with a big heavy trailer on the bumper. I know you can't assess the variables, but if it were yours and you were faced with the questions I just posed, what would YOU do...?

    I dont care if it gets 3mpg if its dependable and stable.

    I know one of the important questions is rear end ratio, and I will pull that info tomorrow and post it.

    Importantly, I appreciate anyone that takes the time to share knowledge and honest informative thoughts with me. It will be rare on this site that I will be able to offer much knowledge but I will always be gracious and appreciative!! Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Welcome to CHR!

    For what you're asking, I'd stick with a good rebuilt Q-jet 750cfm like this one:


    $300 with free shipping and you know it will work fine as it's the carburetor that was originally there so all the linkages, etc will fit. In my opinion, a well tuned Q-Jet is near impossible to beat - especially in stock or near stock engines.

    Good luck,
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  3. #3
    OneTonDually is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Interesting. I have never been around q jets that much so I expected someone to tell me to put a Holley on, but your point is well made. No sense fighting to hook up a different brand when a big brother will do the job as good. Or better. I am all for doing things the easier way when and if possible.

    Thank you kindly, I probably will go with that exact model.

  4. #4
    HWORRELL's Avatar
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    That quadrajet is hands down the best street carb there is. Find the oldest auto shop in your area and have them rebuild it.

  5. #5
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    I had an 84 similar to yours except for single rear wheels----did only 2 things--turned aircleaner top over to open up the housing AND put different metering rods in quad jet---they were an recommended # from my pal Chuck Nuytten down in Texas----google Chuck Nuytten--carbs or cnc blocks--972-722-8333
    Rockwall, Texas
    Last edited by jerry clayton; 07-18-2013 at 07:35 AM.
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  6. #6
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Get in touch with Cliff Ruggles and have him build your Quadrajet to suit exactly what you want it to do. There is no better 4-bbl on the planet.
    Cliffs High Performance Quadrajets :: Qjet Carburetor Rebuild Kits, Parts, Quadrajet Rebuilding, Quadrajet Parts, Bushing Kits, Carb Tuning
    HWORRELL and glennsexton like this.

  7. #7
    34_40's Avatar
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    I'm the other end of the spectrum, got zero love for quadrabogs!
    But I would say if you don't want to play with the intake and take the economical route, then take the above advice.

    If monies less of an object, pick out one of the efi conversions..

    fwiw.. my point oh two!... ymmv etc. etc. etc. 8-)

  8. #8
    Rrumbler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Another vote for the Q-Jet, as stated above. Going racing?!? then, maybe a different approach, but I changed my '68 Chevelle from a Holley to a Q-Jet on the 396 and gained a second on my average ET in the quarter. All of my work trucks were Chevys, with 400 Mouse or 454s, and all ran on Q-Jets, tuned by an expert; best solution going in my estimation. Only thing that could be better would be a good running electronic fuel injection setup, and that would take some serious $$$ to convert you '83. Just my two cents.
    HWORRELL and glennsexton like this.
    Rrumbler, Aka: Hey you, "Old School", Hairy, and other unsavory monickers.

    Twistin' and bangin' on stuff for about sixty or so years; beat up and busted, but not entirely dead - yet.

  9. #9
    OldMech's Avatar
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    Glad to see the support for QJets here. As already said, they are one of the best carbs made. they will give you better driveablility than any other carb you can bolt on it for that kind of money. Have someone that knows what they are doing build/tune it for you as techinspector1 suggested and you WILL be a happy person.. There are better carbs for high performance use, but considering what you want to use it for, you will not be unhappy. The smaller primaries help you save on fuel, and the big toilets in the back FLUSH when you need POWER!!

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