This forum has impressed me over the past couple years with the knowledge of some of the members, and has helped me several times. Based on that, I have to ask the question......why would you need a thermostat in a 1/4 mile race car? I am asking opinions due to a disagreement I'm having with a long time friend, who is very "old school". So am a certain extent. But my opinion is based on actual experience......I didn't use a thermostat or restrictor in a high 9 second car for the past 2 seasons. The water temp. never exceeded 185. Then, when I had the intake off, and had a new thermostat sitting on a shelf, I said "why couldn't hurt." Well.... I was wrong. This week at test/tune, after one pass, my water temp. hit 250, and was quickly approaching 300. Thermostat stuck! Needless to say, I quickly removed it and gave it to my buddy who has been telling me for years......" you have to have a thermostat." Somebody....agree with me, or show me proof that I'm wrong. Thanks in advance for the input.